Thursday, March 12, 2009

I see the world through my mouth

Catchy title eh? It's the truth. I love to eat and I love to travel. From a very young age I had the opportunity to experience both through family members. My great uncle in particular as well as my pop-pop taught and encouraged me to try everything. It's how I live now and thankfully how the Hubbs has taken too as well. When we travel to a place we've never been the first thing we do if find out what the food of that community is and try to find the best of it. For example in the North Shore of Oahu the best eats were out of the back of shrimp truck. Granted its been featured on Foodnetwork several times, the fact remains it was so freakin' good you wanted to smack your mama. (I watch ALOT of FoodNetwork!...thanks Paula)

Since I was traveling and eating crazy stuff since I was a baby, I didn't realize that traveling is an art and one that many people are intimidated by. I simply can't have that! My wish is that everyone and their brother get out there and see/eat something new. Though I don't recommend traveling with your 'brother' or any extended family for that matter! :) We'll get to that in another blog! Anyway, I thought I could use this as a way to pass along my experiences and many mistakes with traveling and eating in new places. Some will be reviews but mostly it's what's worked for me and the Hubbs and what hasn't.

Bon Voyage!

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